by Dave Knowles | Interior Remodeling
What Renovations are the Best Investment?Renovating your home can be daunting, especially when it comes to deciding which projects are worth investing in. With so many options available for potential upgrades, it’s hard to know what will provide the most value....
by Joe Copp | Interior Remodeling
Information is brought to you byJoseph coppKW CommercialWood Floor Alternatives Worth a Second LookWood floors are a top choice for modern homeowners. Proponents believe they offer warmth as well as elegance, but they do require care to maintain their luster and are...
by Dave Knowles | Interior Remodeling
In addition to being one of the most popular renovations homeowners complete, the kitchen often nets the highest return on your investment (ROI) relative to other areas in your home. While many homeowners give the kitchen a minor update to keep it modern, others...
by Home Resources | Interior Remodeling
Do you have clutter? Do you collect items? Do you need space? Do you live in a small crowned space? Downsizing is the answer! You need to free yourself from many unnecessary items and here are some tips to make this easier. Learn More
by Home Resources | Design 101, Insurance, Interior Remodeling
If you have a small space you know how difficult it is to manage to fit your entire life within it. It can be difficult and maybe frustrating and we understand. How ever there are always tips and tricks to managing this. If your house or apartment is on the smaller...
by admin | Interior Remodeling
Concrete is the Cinderella of flooring materials. Long relegated to life as a subfloor–and covered up by a host of materials deemed more suitable for display, such as wood, tiles, and carpeting–it’s currently having its day in the sun. Hardworking, low maintenance,...