What Coverages & Losses HOA’s Aware Of

What Coverages & Losses HOA’s Aware Of

One very specific type of business is misunderstood, “HOA’s.” Below is a brief description and some of the coverages and losses HOA’s should be aware of:Insurance for a Homeowners Association (HOA) typically includes several types of coverages...

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Landscaping?

Creating a perfectly landscaped yard requires an investment of time, money and effort. But damage to landscaping from events like fires, thefts, or vandalism can quickly undo your hard work. So if you’re proud of your beautifully landscaped yard, you’ll likely want to...

Do I Need Homeowners or Landlord Insurance?

Suppose you have a single-family home that you want to rent out full time. What kind of insurance do you need to help protect your place? You most likely need a landlord policy. But if you plan to have tenants only sporadically, homeowners insurance may be a better...

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